Friday, April 22, 2011

Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg

Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg - one of the most important and most beautiful ensembles of the northern capital. Hence, from Exchange Square, disperse two embankments - University and Makarov. This is one of the favorite places of St. Petersburg and visitors alike.
 History of the creation of the ensemble Arrows Basil Island

Laying the Peter and Paul fortress on Hare Island, Peter the Great wanted the St. Petersburg became the sea fortress and trade center. But because of the shallow water port on the Petrograd side could not grow and it was decided to move on Vasilevsky Island. Eastern Cape Island, where the Neva River is divided into large and small, was named Arrow Vasilevsky Island. Peter planned to make its business and trading center.

The territory here was sublime, so the windmills are built-sawmill. In the southern part of the cape, on the shores of the Great Neva, (now the University Embankment) constructed palace of Queen Praskovia Feodorovna (now St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences building), and later - Cabinet of Curiosities. In the northern part, on the banks of the Malaya Neva River (now Quay Makarov), built the house barons Stroganoff appears Seating yard.

In order to make the Arrow business and cultural center by architect Domenico Trezzini project was developed by which the town square was supposed to create a square that will host the Twelve Colleges building. The area referred to as collegiate. Construct the extended building, consisting of 12 identical parts, a length of 400 meters, limiting the area from the west. His butt Twelve Colleges building goes to the current University embankment. It has 10 ministries, the Senate and the Synod. Later this building was transferred to St. Petersburg University.
With the transfer to the Arrow Sea Port in 1720-ies. In the northern part there are a wooden building Stock Exchange, Customs (built symmetrically, Kunstkammer now - Museum of Russian literature - Pushkin House). Is the development of the Seaport. When the ships come here, the square is the overseas trade in goods and even exotic animals - monkeys, parrots, turtles.

In 1885 the port was transferred to Gutuevsky island, since the new vessels with deep draft could not go into the Neva.
 Exchange on the Spit of Basil Island

The central building of the architectural ensemble of the Spit of Vasilevsky island is the Stock Exchange building, designed by French architect JF Toma de Tomon in the classical style. Construction Exchange broke the area into two parts: the western - collegiate area, and east - the semicircular Exchange Square. Later in the collegiate Square building is constructed of Clinical povivalno-gynecological institute and the role assigned to it Peter was completely lost.

Exchange Building on its shape resembles ancient Greek temple and a rectangle on a high granite base, decorated on all sides by strict marble columns. The facade of the Stock Exchange of the Neva is decorated with sculptures Neptune with two rivers. And on the opposite side of the Exchange - the sculpture "Navigation with Mercury and two rivers." Since 1940, the seat of the Central Naval Museum, formerly in the Admiralty building. To create a harmonious ensemble in front of the Exchange constructed an artificial mound with a semi-circular area, which nominated the Spit of Vasilevsky island for a hundred meters towards the Neva River. Was created by the effect of contrast of the Exchange and strong horizontal lines of the granite embankment slopes of the Neva. Created conch used for the front landing seaport. Gentle slopes to the water were decorated with giant granite balls, and the wall promenade - lion masks. According to legend, the author of balls Samson Sukhanov hewed them by eye, without measuring instruments.

Exchange diverge from the building north and south warehouses, which served as a closed warehouse. Now in the northern warehouse Stock Exchange, on the banks of the Little Neva, is the Central Museum of Soil Science to them. Dokuchaev. In the southern warehouse located Zoological Museum.

Stock Exchange building, we can see on the 50-ruble Russian banknote.

Rostral columns on the Spit of Vasilevsky island
 On both sides of Exchange Square tower two massive columns, serve as a beacon at the entrance to the port. Their height is 32 meters. Columns decorated by the bow of ships - rostra and anchors. At the base - a whopping figure, symbolizing the Russian rivers - the Volga, Dnieper, Volkhov, and Neva. According to legend, in ancient Rome it was the custom in honor of naval victories to build pillars and decorating them with the rostra, ramming enemy ships. Rostral columns - the symbol of the might of Russia as a maritime power.

During the Siege of Leningrad on the Spit of Vasilevsky island were anti-aircraft batteries.

Museums in the direction of Vasilevsky island

  • Central Naval Museum
  • Cabinet of Curiosities - Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Museum and the Great im.Petra MV Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Zoological Museum
  • Central Museum of Soil Science to them. Dokuchaev. Located in the northern warehouse Exchange. Address: 199034, St. Petersburg, Exchange Square, 6, phone 8 (812) 328-56-02, 8 (812) 328-54-02.
  • Literary Museum (Pushkin House, the Literature Institute of Russian Literature). Nearby. Address: 199034, St. Petersburg), Makarov Embankment, 4. Phone 8 (812) 328-05-02.

According to experts, the construction of tall buildings in the DC Kirov has distorted the historical appearance of arrows Vasilevsky Island. However, it has been and remains a popular place for folk festivals. Hence, we offer beautiful views of the Winter Palace, the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral, Peter and Paul Fortress, the Admiralty.

In 2006, on the Neva River, near the Spit of Vasilevsky Island opened in Russia's largest floating singing fountain. Unfortunately, due to difficult economic conditions in 2009 the fountain was not working.

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